12 September 2013

In the Meantime...

So, it's been closing in on two weeks since my last post but never fear, I have been crocheting.  Just haven't taken any pictures of the finished items yet.  Things have gotten busier since Labor Day.  Ha!  And I thought I'd actually have more time once that holiday was over.  Silly me!  This week (so far) has been particularly busy with a couple of meetings thrown into the mix.  But I still do at least some crocheting every day. 

I've also been organizing some things around the house.  The laundry area in the basement is almost finished.  Covered an old table with a vinyl tablecloth I got for less than $3 at Wal-Mart to use as a folding station.  Ta da!!!

And today I bought another laundry basket and attached it to the frame of an old TV tray so that I can put the (clean) clothes from the dryer into it and eliminate bending down to grab each piece of clothing to fold it (and leaving the whole folding table station free to actually do the folding!).  Next I want to spruce up the wall.  I was thinking of painting it but it's only fiberboard and I think that would look too funky (not in a good way).  So I'm thinking I'll go buy another couple of those vinyl tablecloths and staple them to the wall.  I don't care if they're in a fall leaf pattern - it's my favorite season!

Anyway, back to crochet projects:  I started learning Tunisian crochet via a class on Craftsy.  Made the first item in the class: a washcloth.  It took me 3 days to complete it (yikes!) and, though it's not perfect, it did turn out pretty well.  I need to work on keeping an even tension - not all that easy as a novice but I think I'll get there...eventually.

Then I made a bath mitt that I have yet to use (because I haven't taken a picture of it yet) and a hot pad in Packer Green and Gold.  In between these three projects, I have been crocheting a shopping bag and finally finished it this afternoon.  And...add one more of those cup cozies and that accounts for the past almost 2 weeks.  Whew!!!

I'll get the pictures taken and posted soon...

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